The college process can be stressful and when there is disharmony at home, gridlock can occur.  Every year, I have parents who meet with me and ask for advice on this topic.  They have often done their best trying to keep their student focused on what needs to be done in the college process but when things come to a standstill, they don’t know what to do.  Bringing a third party into future conversations may be the answer.  This person might be their student’s High School Guidance Counselor or an Independent Education Consultant, like me, to help restore communications and put things back in motion. Sometimes it just takes having an unbiased person say exactly the same thing (that Mom and Dad already said) for action to take place and peace and harmony to be achieved again.

Navigating your way through the college maze starts with having a solid plan, clear communication and making necessary changes along the way. In addition, there always needs to be a backup plan (we will talk about this in a future blog) and when things fester at home, nobody wins.  I encourage students and parents to seek out help when things aren’t moving forward because time is of essence if success is going to be achieved!

Wishing you the very best as you work through the College Process! 

Dan Bisig