Thursday, February 19th at 6:30 p.m. Boone County Schools will be hosting an information session on both Early College and the School of Design. The session will take place in the CAM Building on the Boone Campus of Gateway Community and Technical College.  During this 60 minute session parents and students will have an opportunity to learn more about the value and particulars of each program, and ask any questions they may have.

Time: 6:30 p.m.
Date: Thursday, February 19, 2015
Location: CAM Building, 500 Technology Way, Florence, KY 41042
Duration: 60 minutes

Boone County Early College/School of Design Incoming Juniors and Seniors,The Boone County school district has two exciting opportunities only available to students in our district.  These two programs are linked below.  Students may sign up for these programs during scheduling events at their high schools.  Or for more information, contact your school counselor or

Boone County Early College – Through a partnership with NKU/ Thomas More/ Gateway College, students will attend college for half a day (either morning or afternoon-spending the other half day at their school) at the Boone County Gateway campus with the potential of earning 24 college credit hours a year.  These courses (outlined below) are provided at a dramatically reduced rate of $250 per course, saving the student thousands in future college expenses.  (This would be a savings of $8,000 for a year’s tuition at UK, for example).  This also provides students with college-level experiences while students are still in high school, so that they are better prepared for the college experience.  The courses are weighted and will transfer to any state two-year or four-year college.  Eligibility for this program is a 3.0GPA.  Students must also meet benchmark on the ACT/ Compass.  (Guidance Counselors can provide more information on working towards this eligibility requirement.)  Transportation will be provided from high schools; students may also drive.  For more information or to express interest, go to:

Boone County School of Design – This new program, targeted to students interested in art/ design careers, such as app/ game graphic design, computer animation or web/ mobile design, will also be half day (morning or afternoon) at the Gateway Campus (transportation provided).  One of the most needed skill sets in Greater Cincinnati is design.  The interactive media design program will allow students to earn industry certifications in design, while sharpening skills and exploring the lucrative industries that rapidly need interactive designers.  The program will feature interaction with  designers, brand and marketing experts, and entrepreneurs. Roughly 3.5 million jobs are expected to be added to the economy in the creative design fields, with greater Cincinnati being poised to be the city that will capitalize the most on this expansion. Students enrolling in the program will develop a portfolio, and work with local clients on design needs. The program is centered around project-based learning.  (For more information or to express interest, go to: