Wed, October 18, 2023 11:30 AM

Many college students who get the chance to study abroad say how much this travel experience changed their life. This could be a great way for your student to immerse themself in a new culture, meet new friends, and in some cases, (believe it or not) possibly reduce their future tuition rates. Although studying abroad seems glamorous, it can be difficult for some because students have to adapt to a culture and customs they know little to nothing about. Sometimes, studying abroad can be a financial lifesaver, but other times it can be way over budget.

Please remind them that this is not a glorified vacation, it is meant to be a unique educational opportunity.

When it comes to finding the right colleges to apply to if study abroad is something that is important to your daughter or son, doing the research upfront is the name of the game.  There are some fantastic colleges and universities that offer an array of study abroad programs and others that offer very little. By focusing on what your student will be studying in college and the locations they would be interested in going to – success can be achieved!

If your son or daughter is looking to attend an out-of-state university, some colleges offer the option for students to study abroad their freshman year, pay an out-of-state tuition rate that first year, and then finish up their remaining 3 years at the main campus paying the reduced in-state tuition rate. This option may exist at the colleges your student is considering so be sure to ask.

Want to learn more? Have them talk to the International College Admission Reps at their current or future college or reach out to the Study Abroad Office on campus. Be sure to have them map out the timelines and logistics needed to make their future destination a reality!

Schedule a FREE 15-minute Discovery Zoom Meeting with me TODAY, so that I can help solve some of the stresses of the college process that are keeping you up at night!

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