Wed, Jan 25, 2023 11:30 AM

Helping your student map out their goals can seem overwhelming when you’re not sure where to start. However, students who figure out what they find meaningful, before college, are more likely to succeed in college and their future careers. Anything can be defined as a goal but giving your daughter or son the tools they need and a proven roadmap to follow can be a game changer on whether or not they reach their goal(s).

My suggestion, have them follow the SMART method. SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time oriented. By using the SMART method, students can establish a process and build better habits that can lead to success down the road. Ask your student to create a short term (3-6 month) plan and a long term (4-5 year) plan using the SMART method. This will help them narrow down and map out the right steps they need to take to excel in their future college and career path.

SMART goals are:

  • Specific: The more detail-oriented your student’s target, the better their chance of actually hitting it.
  • Measurable: What are they going to use as a way to quantify success, i.e., landing a paid internship in their chosen future career or maintaining their GPA at a 3.5 throughout college
  • Attainable: Can they actually accomplish their goal, given their circumstances? Making sure they are committed to doing what they set out to do will be a key to their future success. In other words, encourage them to reach for the stars and go for it.
  • Realistic: While this step may seem similar to attainable, think of realistic as a goal that makes sense within their overall life path. You want their goals to be relevant to their current classes, jobs, interests, or hobbies.
  • Timely: Have them set a specific deadline so that they are motivated to take action and avoid the consequences of being a procrastinator.
Want to learn how to reduce the cost of college or have an unbiased third-party step in to help your student so that mom and dad can stop being the bad guy? Schedule a FREE 15-minute Discovery Zoom Meeting with me TODAY so that I can learn more about your student and family and help you all cross the admissions finish line together successfully.

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