Wed, Oct 12, 2022 11:30 AM

Did you know the cost of tuition to attend an out-of-state college can be as much as two to three times what it costs to attend an in-state school? YIKES… Every year, students decide to apply to out-of-state colleges to pursue a certain major or sport or just to get as far away from home as possible. Unfortunately, this often comes with a crazy out-of-state tuition price. Many families struggle with the idea of paying so much more to have their student go to an out-of-state college, so what is a family supposed to do?

It all starts with doing your research. There are indeed colleges in other states that are happy to offer out-of-state students scholarships that will reduce the price to in-state tuition rates. Based on my 16 years of research, I know which colleges offer these discounts and so should you. Since every college is different, here are some options you might be able to use to reduce your student’s tuition rates.

Some colleges offer academic scholarships that allow a student with good academic credentials to attend an out-of-state college for their in-state price. Depending on your region, if a student wanted to study a particular degree not offered in their state, they may be able to get in-state tuition at an out-of-state college. For example, a number of southern states participate in the Academic Common Market which offers in-state tuition for out-of-state schools based on certain degrees.

Another way to lower the price of tuition is by allowing your student to study abroad for a year. Some colleges offer the option for a student to study abroad their freshman year, pay an out-of-state tuition rate, and then finish up their remaining 3 years at the main campus paying the reduced in-state rate. Be sure to do your research because this option may or may not exist at the colleges your student is considering.

Finding options that work for your family’s budget and your student takes time and lots of research. To determine if a college might adjust its tuition rates for your son or daughter, visit their website or call their admissions office. And be sure to click on my video link below to check out more ways you might be able to lower out-of-state tuition rates to in-state tuition prices.

Have you figured out how your family is going to pay for your students dream college? If not, then Schedule a FREE 15-minute Discovery Zoom Meeting with me TODAY, so that I can help solve some of the stresses of the college process that are keeping you up at night!

Need help with the College Admissions Process, Finding Scholarships, or with Financial Aid?

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