Wed, September 27, 2023 11:30 AM

When your student is applying to colleges, it’s important to consider the academic fit of each school. Academic fit is a measure of how well a student fits in with the rigor of coursework offered at a college. This is most often based on the student’s academic performance in High School which includes: GPA, rigor of courses taken, and in the past how they did on standardized tests. In some cases, a sample written piece may also play a part which can be demonstrated in the personal statement.

The most common cause of students switching their major in college is due to the overwhelming academic work required. When academics are not considered, students may have a difficult time staying on track and graduating at the 4-year mark. Some students may even drop out or switch colleges because of mismatched academic fit.

To determine if a college is academically compatible with your student, take a look at the college’s GPA (and ACT/SAT if available) acceptance averages. If your student falls between or above the averages, then it should be a good academic fit for your daughter or son. One of the easiest ways to get access to these academic stats is to use the MyCAP program and input up to 3 colleges into the calculator. Click on the “More Info” button in each of the displayed colleges and then “Admissions” to see these important stats.

With my comprehensive services, your family will be able to tackle the college admissions process with ease and your student will have the best chance of getting accepted to the school of their dreams. Schedule a FREE 15-minute Discovery Zoom Meeting with me TODAY, so I can help solve what is keeping you up at night with the college process.

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