Wed, Sep 14, 2022 11:30 AM

In college admissions, a “legacy” student is defined as someone whose parents or other family members attended and graduated from the institution to which their student is applying. Typically, legacy admissions occur in some of the more selective colleges. For example, the Ivy League schools. These colleges are more likely to admit a student whose parent attended that college in the past assuming that the applicant has all of the necessary academic and extra credentials to be a top candidate. There have been cases in the past where legacy gave an applicant a boost in admissions to overcome any deficiencies in their application. Some colleges admit a legacy student because it is a way to honor tradition and keep that college in the family; however, it is important to note that some colleges have also decided to stop this practice.

If the school your student is applying to considers legacy, be sure to have them highlight your family’s connection on their college application under the parental educational background section. You never know when this might catch the attention of the admissions representative reviewing their application and could give your son or daughter a slight edge in the admissions process for that college. It sure can’t hurt.

With my services, your family will be able to tackle the college admissions process with ease and your student will have the best chance of getting into the school of their dreams. Schedule a FREE 15-minute Discovery Zoom Meeting with me TODAY, so I can help solve what is stressing you out the most in your child’s college process!

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