Wed, Sep 21, 2022 11:30 AM

When your student is applying to colleges, it’s important to consider the financial fit of that college. Financial fit sounds like this: is the college in your budget? Will your student need to take out extra loans/student debt? There are three key strategies to determine if a college is a good financial fit for your family.

1. Calculate your family’s Expected Family Contribution (EFC). This will tell you the amount of money your family is expected to pay for your student’s college. This number is more often than not higher than what most families plan for, so be sure to do this as soon as possible.

2. Calculate the expected price of your students’ prospective college located on the college website. This is referred to as the College Net Price Calculator by most schools. The College Net Price Calculator varies on the accuracy of this number for each school, so be cautious when calculating this.

3. Calculate your FREE College Money Report™ located at College and Beyond LLC. The College Money Report™ gives you and your student the answers to these critical things every family needs to know before entering the college funding maze: how much colleges think your family can pay for tuition, if your student will qualify for grants or scholarships, and how much your family is expected to pay out of pocket.

These Strategies will help you and your student determine if a college is a good or bad financial fit. This will then allow your student to narrow down their college shortlist.

With my services, your family will be able to tackle the college admissions process with ease and your student will have the best chance of getting into the school of their dreams. Schedule a FREE 15-minute Discovery Zoom Meeting with me TODAY, so I can help solve what is stressing you out the most in your child’s college process!

Need help with the College Admissions Process, Finding Scholarships, or with Financial Aid?

Schedule your Meeting with Dan Bisig – TODAY!

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